Kamis 10 Oktober, 2024
Beranda Imbauan Tabi Youth Leader Invites Papuan Young Generation to Support Advanced Indonesia Program

Tabi Youth Leader Invites Papuan Young Generation to Support Advanced Indonesia Program

Jayapura _ Tabi traditional youth leader, Paulinus Ohee, who is also part of a Papuan activity, said, ahead of the 78th Indonesian Independence Day as good citizens, of course we celebrate well.

We as Papuan youths must also support government programs. Let’s unite and support each other so that government programs can run well as well as security and order, in Papua it remains safe and peaceful.

“let’s take advantage of the momentum of the 78th Indonesian Independence Day to increase the spirit of unity and oneness. We as youth must become agents of positive change, by playing an active role in development and contributing to the progress of Papua.” he said.

He continued, We must continue to learn and develop ourselves, so that we can play a major role in building the nation and state. Don’t forget to maintain and preserve Papuan customs and culture as a form of our wealth and identity.

Let us join hands and unite to celebrate the 78th Indonesian Independence Day with pride and enthusiasm. Hopefully Papua will be more advanced and prosperous, and continue to make a positive contribution to Indonesia.

Happy 78th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia! Independent!

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