A form of respect for the late Lukas Enembe, the public is advised to stop activities temporarily when the motorcade passes

Jayapura- This was conveyed by the Jayapura Police Chief in front of the media when conveying the planned procession for the arrival of the body of former Papua Governor Lukas Enembe, S.IP., MH in the Jayapura Police Command Center room.
In accordance with the results of the meeting or meetings with Forkopimda Papua, Pangdam XVII Cendrawasih Major General TNI Izak Pangemanan, M.Han, Papua Police Chief Inspector General Mathius D. Fakhiri, S.IK. MH, GIDI president Dorman Wandikbo, S.Th, and Chair of the Provincial FKUB. Papua Rev. Lipius Biniluk, S.TH., M.Th.
To respect the body of the deceased, the public is asked to temporarily stop activities while the convoy passes by, after which they can return to their usual activities, the route that will be taken includes from Sentani Airport to the burial place of the body at Stakin Sentani and continuing to Koya.
Jayapura Police Chief AKBP Fredrickus W.A Maclarimboen, S.IK., MH said that in the motorcade procession we all the people, especially Jayapura Regency and City, as a form of respect for him should stop their activities for a moment when the motorcade passes.
“The plan is to arrive at 9, then go to Stakin to take part in the procession that will be carried out by the Provincial Government and also from the church, after that the plan is for the procession to shift from Stakin to Koya Koso around 12 noon,” he said.
The Police Chief further explained that those permitted to pick up according to the meeting were Pastors and Students, the congregation or the public could wait directly at the Stakin complex for the Regency area, while for the City and Kerom areas they would wait directly at his residence in Koya to facilitate the procession that had been arranged. by the Church, in this case the GIDI Church and the Papua Provincial Government.
“We urge the entire community not to be provoked by all the rumors circulating, there has been a statement from the Chairman or President of GIDI and also from the family, we respect that,” concluded the Jayapura Police Chief.