
KA Cartenz Peace Ops Leads Assistance for Cartenz Peace Ops-2023 in Dogiyai Regency

Timika – Head of OPS Damai Cartenz-2023, Police Commissioner Dr. Faizal Ramadhani, S.Sos., S.I.K., M.H. leading the Cartenz-2023 Peace Ops Assistance activities in the Dogiyai Regency area from Thursday to Friday, 21 and 22 December 2023.

Also present at the Cartenz-2023 Peace Ops Assistance in Dogiyai Regency, Police Commissioner Dr. Faizal Ramadhani, S.Sos., S.I.K., M.H. (Kaops Peace Cartenz-2023),
AKBP Dr. Bayu Suseno, S.H., S.I.K., M.M., M.H. (Kaposko Public Relations Ops DC-2023), AKBP Egia F. Kusumawiatmaja, S.I.K., M.I.K (Kaposko Ops Damai Cartenz-2023) and Kompol Febiean Ignasus M., S.H., S.I.K. (Casiops Action for Peace Ops Cartenz).

In Cartenz Peace Ops Assistance-2023 in Dogiyai Regency, to the personnel of Cartenz Peace Ops, Head of Cartenz Peace Ops, Police Commissioner Dr. Faizal Ramadani expressed his gratitude for carrying out his duties during 2023 from January to December and advised personnel to remain disciplined in carrying out their duties and continue to increase vigilance and discipline until the end of the operation.

On the same occasion, Head of the Cartenz-2023 Peace Ops Public Relations Task Force, AKBP Dr. Bayu Suseno, S.H., S.I.K., M.M., M.H., also reminded members of Ops Damai Cartenz to be wise in using social media.

“We have to be wise when using social media. “If we pass on information to other people, we must double-check the news and news sources to filter the truth and avoid hoaxes before passing it on,” concluded Head of the Cartenz Peace Ops Public Relations Task Force.

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