Minggu 6 Oktober, 2024
Beranda Hukum&Kriminal Members of the NTT Police Mobile Brigade Victims of the KKB Shooting...

Members of the NTT Police Mobile Brigade Victims of the KKB Shooting in Papua Arrive in Kupang

Kupang – Bharaka Rani Yohanes Seran, who is a member of the NTT Police Mobile Brigade Unit who was also a victim of shooting by the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) in Papua, arrived in Kupang on Friday (1/12/2023) evening. Riser, as he is familiarly known, arrived at El Tari Kupang Airport using several flights that took him from Timika to Kupang.

Ipda Dr Brian Afif Budidana accompanied Riser during the trip. His arrival was welcomed by Dansat Brimob Polda NTT, Police Commissioner Ferry Raimond Ukoli, SIK, as well as members of Brimob and Bhayangkari along with Riser’s family.

Riser, who is part of the Cartenz Peace Task Force (DC Task Force) Brimob Polda NTT, suffered a gunshot wound to the leg as a result of gunfire with the KKB in the Intan Jaya area of ​​Papua. Upon arrival in Kupang, Riser was immediately taken to the Bhayangkara Titus Ully Kupang Hospital using an ambulance for further examination and treatment.

Riser’s trip to Kupang was full of emotional moments, especially when his family and colleagues welcomed him at the airport. Riser also received special attention from the National Police Chief, Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, who gave him honors and a promotion to extraordinary rank (KPLB) one level above his previous rank, from Bharatu to Bharaka.

This step is a form of appreciation and respect for the sacrifice of Bharatu Posthumous Boniface Jawa, Riser’s colleague, who was shot dead by the KKB in Papua. The National Police Chief ordered that Boniface Java’s sibling become a member of the National Police to replace the deceased.

This tragic incident reminds us of the risks faced by Brimob members who carry out security duties in conflict areas such as Papua. All parties pray and support Riser’s recovery and remember the services and devotion of the late Bharatu Posthumous Boniface Java in maintaining security and order.

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