Senin 16 September, 2024
Beranda Hukum&Kriminal Two Residents Killed and Three Seriously Injured as a result of the...

Two Residents Killed and Three Seriously Injured as a result of the OTK Attack in the Bintang Mountains of Papua

Jayapura – Two people were found dead and three others seriously injured as a result of severe abuse by an unknown group of people (OTK) in Kampung Kawe, Gunung Bintang, Central Papua. Provisional estimates, the incident that killed two people and injured three residents is related to robbery or forced theft.

Head of the Public Relations Division (Kabid) of the Papua Police Sr. Comr. (Kombes) Ignatius Benny Prabowo said that the Gunung Bintang Police are still investigating the incident. And the police are still hunting for the perpetrators.

“Regarding the motive for this case, the allegations are currently still related to persecution and theft by violence committed by unknown persons (OTK),” said Kombes Benny in his statement, Monday (28/8/2023).

Kombes Benny explained, an interim report from the Bukit Bintang Police stated that the unfortunate incident occurred on Sunday (27/8/2023) at around one in the afternoon local time. It was stated that the wife of one of the victims reported to the local police that two people had died at the kiosk owned by Mr. Takur in Kampung Kawe.

“The exact location is Doctor 36’s Minning Location,” said Kombes Benny.

Based on the report, the police headed to the location. Arriving at the location, said Kombes Benny, the police did not only find two victims who had died. However, it was also found that three other people suffered serious injuries from sharp weapons.

The local police evacuated the bodies and injured victims by helicopter to Boven Digoel Regency for investigation. And in the meantime, said Kombes Benny, the investigation process still suspects that the incident is related to robbery or forced theft with violence.

“The police hope that the people in Gunung Bintang will remain calm, and not be provoked by provocations that create insecurity,” said Kombes Benny.

As Kombes Benny said, the police would investigate the alleged murder case. “The police are currently investigating and conducting an in-depth inve


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