Yalimo Police Chief: We Lost Our Best Soldier, Farewell Brigpol Iqbal

Yalimo – An atmosphere of grief enveloped Elelim Airport, Yalimo Regency, on Saturday (18/1/2025) morning.
Yalimo Police Chief, Commissioner Joni Samonsabra, S.H., M.H., together with the Main Officials (PJU) and personnel of the Yalimo Police, led the procession of releasing the body of Brigpol (Anumerta) Iqbal Anwar Arif, S.H., a member of Ba Provos Yon B Men III Pasukan Pelopor who was part of the Cartenz Peace Operation Task Force (ODC) 2025.
Brigpol Iqbal died on duty after being shot while carrying out a security operation in the Yalimo Regency area on Friday (17/1/2025) afternoon. The deceased had received medical treatment at the Elelim Health Center before being declared dead at 17.35 WIT.
In the solemn farewell ceremony, the entire Yalimo Police family and the local community paid their last respects to the deceased. The Yalimo Police Chief expressed his deepest condolences to the deceased’s family and appreciated Brigpol Iqbal’s dedication while on duty maintaining security and peace in Papua.
“We have lost one of the best soldiers who has shown high dedication in carrying out state duties. We pray that the deceased will be given the best place in the sight of God Almighty, and the family left behind will be given strength and fortitude,” said Kompol Joni Samonsabra.
Brigpol Iqbal’s body was taken from Elelim Airport to Jayapura City to then be flown to the deceased’s hometown for burial.
The passing of Brigpol Iqbal Anwar Arif, S.H., left deep sorrow for the Polri family and the Yalimo community who had felt the deceased’s dedication while on duty. This farewell ceremony is a symbol of respect for the sacrifice and dedication of a soldier in carrying out state duties.
Brigpol Iqbal’s sacrifice is an example of spirit and courage for his colleagues, and a reminder of the importance of commitment to maintaining peace and security in Papua.