Polwan of Cartenz Peace Task Force and Peg. Bintang Sharing Happiness at SD YPPK ST. Agustinus, Yapimakot Village, Serambakon District

Oksibil- Warmth and cheerfulness enveloped the environment of SD YPPK ST. Agustinus, Yapimakot Village, Serambakon District, Pegunungan Bintang Regency, Prov. Papua. The reason is, members of the Cartenz Peace Task Force Policewomen and the Pegunungan Bintang Police shared happiness with students at the school, Wednesday, February 28, 2024.
In a warm event, policewomen in charge of maintaining security and order in the area, namely, Brigpol Ita Sombo Allo (Polwan Ops Damai Cartenz-2024), Briptu Helma Jesika Koibur and Briptu Devi Eka, S.H, (Polwan Polres Pegunungan Bintang), brought smiles and storybooks and gifts for children. They also sang together and presented entertaining games.
The presence of the policewomen not only gave happiness to the students, but also became a memorable moment for them to get closer to the security forces.
Head of the ODC 2024 Public Relations Task Force AKBP Dr. Bayu Suseno, SH, SIK, MM, MH, said that the ODC 2024 Task Force together with the Pegubin Polda Papua Police visited SD YPPK ST. Agustinus Kampung Yapimakot Serambakon District, with the aim of interacting with students so that the Police and students, the community in Serambakon have a closer and closer communication relationship.
“We from the ODC 2024 Task Force maintain security and public order. One of the activities is by inviting Polwan to interact with elementary school students YPPK ST. Agustinus Village Yapimakot Serambakon District. Hopefully what we do today can benefit future generations so that they will be better than us, “he said.
In the same place, Wakapolres Pegunungan Bintang Kompol Micha Tobing Potty, SH, SIK, MH, thanked the Head of ODC 2024 Public Relations Task Force for taking the time to come to visit SD YPPK ST. Agustinus Kampung Yapimakot Serambakon District and he also felt bang for being appointed to accompany him in carrying out activities in the Bintang Mountains.
“This is an extraordinary moment for us, because we can accompany the ODC 2024 Public Relations Task Force in carrying out activities in the Bintang Mountains Regency. Thank you to the school for accepting us in carrying out activities at SD YPPK ST. Agustinus Village Yapimakot Serambakon District,” he concluded.