
Head of Public Relations Task Force for Peace Ops Cartenz-2024 Accompanied by Deputy Chief of Police Peg. Bintang Conducts Visit to YPPK Santo Agustinus Yapimakot Elementary School, Serambakon District

Oksibil- Head of the 2024 ODC Public Relations Task Force AKBP Dr. Bayu Suseno, SH., SIK., MM., MH., accompanied by the Deputy Chief of Police for the Bintang Mountains Police Commissioner Micha Tobing Potty, SH., SIK., MH., carried out a visit to YPPK Santo Agustinus Yapimakot Elementary School, Serambakon District, Bintang Mountains Regency, on February 28, 2024.

This activity was also attended by Dan Bintang Mountains Sector, AKP Taufik Ginanjar, SIK., Head of IPTU Gakum Lukman Luking, and personnel from the Action Task Force, Gakum Task Force, Cartenz-2024 Peace Ops Public Relations Task Force and Bintang Mountains Police personnel.

Arriving at YPPK Santo Agustinus Yapimakot Elementary School, Serambakon District, the Head of the Public Relations Task Force was warmly welcomed by the Principal, Mr. Albertus Ningdana, S.Ag., and the teachers. In this activity, the Head of the Public Relations Task Force also provided books for the school library’s needs.

The Principal of YPPK Santo Agustinus Yapimakot Elementary School, Mr. Albertus Ningdana, S.Ag., expressed his appreciation and expressed his gratitude to the Police officers who took the time to come visit and provide books for the school library and share happiness with the students of YPPK Santo Agustinus Yapimakot Elementary School, District Serambakon, Bintang Mountains Regency.

“Thank you to the Police officers who visited our school because the presence of the Police made us feel safe and helped us in carrying out our school and daily activities.” Concluded the Principal when interviewed.

“This is our land, don’t disturb it so that it can progress in development so that the children of Serambakon can become useful people for the village, nation and state,” hoped Albertus Ningdana.

In the same place, the Head of the Public Relations Task Force for Peace Ops-2024, AKBP Bayu Suseno, said that the Peace Ops-2024 Task Force, together with the Bintang Mountains Police and the Papua Regional Police visited the YPPK Santo Agustinus Yapimakot Elementary School, Serambakon District, with the aim of interacting again with students so that between the Police With students, the community in Serambakon has an increasingly close and intimate communication relationship.

“We, from the Cartenz-2024 Peace Ops Task Force, maintain security and public order. One of the activities is to invite policewomen to interact with students at the YPPK Santo Agustinus Yapimakot Elementary School. Hopefully what we do today can be useful for future generations so that it becomes better than us,” he said.

Deputy Chief of Police for the Bintang Mountains, Police Commissioner. Micha Toding Potty., expressed his gratitude to the Head of the Public Relations Task Force for Peace Ops Cartenz-2024 who took the time to come to visit SD YPPK Santo Agustinus Yapimakot and he also felt proud because he was appointed to accompany them in carrying out activities in the Bintang Mountains.

“This is an extraordinary moment for us, because we can accompany the Head of the Cartenz-2024 Peace Ops Public Relations Task Force, in carrying out activities in Peg.Bintang Regency. Thank you to the school for accepting us in carrying out activities at SD YPPK Santo Agustinus Yapimakot, Serambakom. ” he concluded.

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