
Jayapura Police Chief: Jayapura Regency Government Office Arson Suspects Are Students and KNPB Militant Members

Sentani- Located in the Obhe Reay May Hall of Jayapura Police, a press release was held by the Criminal Investigation Unit regarding the disclosure of the arson case of the Jayapura Regency Ministry of Religion office, Building A of the Regent’s Office, and 1 Excavator Unit on Jln. Kemiri Sentani.

Jayapura Police Chief, AKBP Fredrickus W.A Maklarimboen, S.IK, M.H. accompanied by Head of Criminal Unit of Jayapura Police, AKP Sugarda Aditya B.T, S.Tk., M.H, Head of Public Relations of Jayapura Police, IPTU Priyono, Kanit Pidsus Sat. Reskrim Polres Jayapura, IPDA I Wayan Dada Yogiyantoro, S.H, Kanit Pidum Sat. Criminal Investigation Unit of Jayapura Police, IPDA Sukarno

Jayapura Police Chief AKBP Fredrickus W.A Maclarimboen named AL alias Arki (22) who works as a student as a suspect in the burning of the Jayapura Regency Ministry of Religion office, Building A of the Regent’s Office, and 1 Excavator Unit on Jln. Kemiri Sentani. “The suspect, A.L alias Akri, is a student registered since 2018. The suspect’s moving address adds to the complexity of the investigation,” he said.

The suspect is also known to have involvement in the KNPB Sentani organization, playing the role of KNPB militant in Jayapura City and Jayapura Regency. “The choice of mode using tire media for burning is based on heartache against government policies, although it is not clear whether the central, provincial, or district government,” he explained.

AKBP Fredrickus W.A Maclarimboen, S.IK., M.H added that the arrest was made on November 24, 2023 at the boarding house behind BTN Ceria, Dobonsolo Village, Sentani District, Jayapura Regency by a joint team of Sat. Reskrim Polres Jayapura, Papua Police, and the Task Force. “In a fairly closed statement, AL alias Arki admitted to burning himself, but there is a possibility of the involvement of other people while we are still in this case,” he added.

The final note revealed that a series of arson cases in Jayapura Regency in recent months were partly carried out by the suspect, who was involved in several demonstrations and arson actions. “AL alias Arki is charged using Article 187 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code jo Article 64 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code, the suspect can face a maximum sentence of 12 years in prison,” he concluded.

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