Jayapura – National Police Chief General Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo ordered the ranks of the National Police Mobile Brigade Corps not to hesitate to enforce the law against Armed Criminal Groups (KKB) in Papua.
“Enforce the law by upholding human rights,” said the National Police Chief at the celebration of the 78th Anniversary of the National Police Mobile Brigade Corps at Mako Mobile Brigade, Kelapa Dua, Depok, West Java, Thursday (16/11/2023).
The National Police Chief reminded that action against KKB members also needs to prioritize human rights (HAM). Brimob also needs to take an approach using the heart and mind in crushing the KKB.
“So that it can reduce the influence of anti-NKRI groups and increase the Papuan people’s love for Indonesia,” said the National Police Chief.
The National Police Chief previously gave awards to 103 Cartenz Peace Task Force personnel who succeeded in raiding the KKB headquarters in the Bintang Mountains, Papua Mountains.
During the raid, the Cartenz Peace Task Force was involved in a shootout and killed 5 KKB. A number of weapons and even the Morning Star flag were confiscated in the raid.
Awards were given in the form of extraordinary promotions (KPLB) to 47 personnel, promotions to 4 personnel, and the awarding of gold National Police Chief pins to 52 personnel.