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After Engianus Kogoya’s KKB Threat, the National Police Guarantees Peace and Security in the City of Kenyam

Timika– Responding to the threat of the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) Egianus Kogoya who threatened to shoot and burn planes that landed in Nduga, Papua Mountains, and would even shoot the Acting Regent of Nduga, the Nduga Police Chief spoke.

Nduga Police Chief Kompol Vinsensius Jimmy Parapaga in his statement said, The threat from Nduga KKB leader Egianus Kogoya had no effect on Community Security and Order and community activities in the city of Kenyam, the capital of Nduga Regency.

“The situation in the city of Nduga is currently under control, flight, market, office and educational activities are normal and community activities are also running as usual,” said the Nduga Police Chief.

Meanwhile, Head of Public Relations Task Force for Peace Ops Cartenz -2023, AKBP. Dr. BAYU SUSENO, SH, SIK, MM, MH., also added that community activities in Kenyam city are currently going well. “flight, market, office and educational activities are normal, then community activities also run as usual,”

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