Sabtu 20 April, 2024
Beranda Hukum&Kriminal Police Confiscate Eight HTs Belonging to KKB Sympathizers

Police Confiscate Eight HTs Belonging to KKB Sympathizers

PAPUA – Lanny Jaya Police confiscated eight units of communication equipment in the form of a Handy Talky which allegedly belonged to sympathizers of the Armed Criminal Group (KKB), from the results of a copyright raid on Friday (3/3/2023).

The joint condition creation operation with the Cartenz Peaceful Operations Task Force was led by Head of Criminal Investigation Unit Ipda Yoga Dwi Arjuna in front of the Lanny Jaya Police Headquarters since 09.00 WIT. Lanny Jaya Police Chief, AKBP Umar Nasatekay said that around 09.45 WIT, members stopped a Triton type car containing seven passengers.

“We conducted a search to find suspicious items as a preventive measure,” said Umar in a statement on Saturday (4/3/2023).

And sure enough, his party found a bag containing eight HT units and a knife. Members said Umar, then conducted an examination of the seven passengers. Besides that, he also checked his cell phone to explore the findings

“No one claimed to be the owner of the communication device. One of the passengers with the initial TK admitted that he was entrusted by an unknown person in Wamena to be taken to Kuyagawe Village (Lanny Jaya),” he explained.

Umar suspects that the owner of the communication device is a sympathiser to be sent to criminal groups that often disturb the public. “We suspect the owner is a KKB sympathiser,” he added.

Meanwhile, passengers are welcome to continue their journey. However, his party will continue to develop related to the findings of these communication tools.

“We will continue to develop and carry out raids in order to control the situation in the Lanny Jaya area so that it is safe from the KKB’s criminal acts,” he stated.


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