After the KKB was burned, the teaching and learning process at SMKN 1 Oksibil has been running normally
Oksibil- After being burned in September 2023 by the Armed Criminal Group (KKB), the teaching and learning process at SMK Negeri 1 Oksibil continues to run normally. Although teachers and students felt traumatized by this incident.
However, today, Tuesday 20 February 2024, the teaching and learning process continues and students are very enthusiastic about receiving learning material from the teacher.
Principal of SMK Negeri 1 Oksibil Dominikus Tarong, S.Pd said that even though the school was closed down by the KKB burning down, currently the teaching and learning process is underway.
“Until now, the teaching and learning process has been going on normally, the trauma felt by teachers and students has gradually recovered,” he said.
He also appreciated the existence of OPS Damai Cartenz 2024 in Oksibil District, Regency. The Star Mountains have maintained security all this time.
“Thank you for the hard work of the TNI-POLRI who have maintained security in the Oksibil District, Bintang Mountains Regency so that community activities continue and the teaching and learning process takes place safely,” he said
The Principal also hopes that a TNI-POLRI security post will be built in Esipding Village, Serambakon District, Regency. Bintang Mountains so that the community, teachers and students of SMK Negeri 1 Oksibil District are safe from KKB interference.
Separately, Kaops Peace Cartenz 2024 Commissioner Pol. Dr. Faizal Ramadhani, S.sos., SIK., MH., expressed his gratitude to all parties who supported the Cartenz 2024 Peace Operation in 9 (nine) regions, both Central Papua and Mountain Papua Provinces.
“Thank you to all parties who have supported the implementation of our duties in Bumi Cendrawasih in order to maintain the integrity of our beloved Republic of Indonesia,” concluded the AKPOL 96 Alumni.