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Realizing Peaceful Papua, Deputy Chief of Police of Papua Holds Face-to-Face Meeting with Port Numbay Customary Consultative Body (LMA) at Obhe Warke Customary House

Jayapura – Papua Deputy Chief of Police, Brigadier General Petrus Patridge R. Renwarin, S.H., M.Si, held a face-to-face meeting with the Port Numbay Customary Consultative Body (LMA) on Monday (13/11) at the Obhe Warke Customary House, the residence of the Port Numbay LMA Chairman.

The event was attended by a number of traditional leaders, including George Arnold Awi as Chairman of the Port Numbay LMA, Heram District Chief Boby J. Awi, S.STP., M.Si, Papuan Muslim leader Taha Alhamid, and Sembekra Nafri Tribal Chief Daniel Awi, as well as the Ondoafi of the Port Numbay LMA.

This face-to-face meeting was held with the aim of directly hearing complaints and input from the community, especially traditional leaders and communities in the Port Numbay area.

George Arnold Awi, in his speech, welcomed the presence of the Deputy Chief of Police of Papua, said welcome, and invited to support his duties to run smoothly.

“The Wakapolda Papua came to this place as a traditional child, so we must support his future tasks to run smoothly,” said George Arnold Awi.

In his response, the Deputy Chief of Police of Papua expressed his pride in the mandate given to him by God as a native of Port Numbay who served as Deputy Chief of Police of Papua. He emphasized his great responsibility in maintaining Kamtibmas, especially ahead of the 2024 elections.

“I hope for this place that we often come here to discuss important matters and introduce ourselves to each other. I also hope for the progress of the Port Numbay area and our beloved land of Papua,” said the Wakapolda Papua.

During this moment, Wakapolda Papua also shared stories about his career journey, including graduating from Akpol in 1991 in the same batch as the current Chief of Police, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo and invited the audience to get to know each other and work together for the progress of the region.

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