Sabtu 20 April, 2024
Beranda Apresiasi Papuan figure appreciates TNI-Polri arrest of Yahukimo KKB leader

Papuan figure appreciates TNI-Polri arrest of Yahukimo KKB leader

Jayapura- Papuan figure, Ali Kabiay appreciated the arrest of the leader of the Yahukimo-Papua Mountains Armed Criminal Group (KKB), Kopi Tua Hiluka, who in his action record, had carried out a series of attacks on civilians and members of the TNI-Polri in Yahukimo Regency, Tuesday / 5/23/2023.

Ali Kabiay, who is the secretary of Barisan Merah Putih RI-Papua, said that the arrest of the Yahukimo KKB leader, Kopi Tua Hiluka, should be given appreciation to the TNI-Polri security forces.

“From my records, the person concerned, Kopi Tua Hiluka has carried out actions such as, attacks on TNI officers in Yahukimo which resulted in 1 TNI member dying on November 4, 2022, then attacked members of the Police which resulted in 1 member of the Yahukimo police force dying and again attacked members of the Brimob task force Peaceful Perevensif cartenz 2022 on the logpon road bridge in Yahukimo district.” Ali Kabiay said.

He continued, in 1 month of November 2022, in a row, Kopi Tua Hiluka had committed 3 criminal acts that led to fatalities but thank God, the TNI-Polri security forces had managed to secure the person concerned. Hopefully the information concerned can open up who are the other perpetrators and are involved in their actions in Yahukimo so far.


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