MitraMitra Pemerintah

Papua Police Chief Inaugurates the Indonesian National House of Papua Province

Jayapura – Papua Police Chief Inspector General Pol Mathius D. Fakhiri, S.I.K inaugurated the Indonesian National House of Papua Province which took place on Jl. Raya Abepura-Sentani (Jayapura City Boundaries – Jayapura Regency) Waena Village, Heram District, Jayapura City, Tuesday (20/06).

The Indonesian National House is an idea by youth and students from the Cipayung group on June 27 2022 in South Jakarta to unite in the national house in facing a situation of global uncertainty so that all elements of the Indonesian nation must maintain the value of unity and integrity and synergy.

The activity was also attended by Deputy Chief of Police for Papua Brigadier General Ramdani Hidayat, S.H, Danlanud Silad Papare Marsma TNI Moch. Dadan Gunawan, S.T., M.M., CHRMP, PJU Polda Papua, Head of Sub-Department of Facilitating the Development of Political Parties and General Elections for Kesbangpol Papua Province Dra. Ahehana Lampong, Ap., Supervisor of the Papua Red and White Front Niko Mauri, General Chair of the DPD Barisan Merah Putih Papua Province Max Abner Ohee, S.I.P, Chair of the DPW IFGF GISI Pdt. Catto Mauri, S.Th., Chairperson of the DPD Mandala Trikora Papua Province Ali Kabiay and cross elements of OKP across Papua province.

In his remarks, the Head of the Papua Regional Police said that maintaining national unity should have become the awareness of every Indonesian citizen and that national unity is a requirement for achieving the implementation of national and state life, as well as the main capital for achieving national goals as stated in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. .

“Especially in the era of globalization which is characterized by advances in science, technology, communication and information which greatly affect the patterns and forms of threats that are no longer conventional (physical) but multidimensional (physical and non-physical),” said the Papua Police Chief.

The Regional Police Chief said that the implementation of Polri in overcoming 12 strategic issues in the field of national unity, one of which was by establishing a national home, which was initiated for the first time by the Cipayung Plus organization before the President of the Republic of Indonesia on March 3, 2022.

“On that occasion the President agreed to the suggestions from the students and ordered the Ministry of Institutions to carry out an action plan related to the construction of a national home. In Papua the National House that we will inaugurate is the extended family home of Mr. Ramses Ohee who is a major figure in Papua,” said the Kapolda.

Furthermore, the Kapolda conveyed that the construction of this national house can be used as a place or forum for Indonesian youth and students to solve problems related to current issues, it is hoped that students and youth can act as Agents of Change (agents of change for the better), Guardian Value (guarding values ​​in society, fighting hoaxes and sharing the truth), Iron Stock (next generation, reserves and hope for the future), Moral Force (having high education and morality, social media stage education), and Social Control (controllers social with intellectual and high idealism).

“I hope that these things need to be done together to maintain order and security in both the real world and in cyberspace, in order to welcome the 2024 Election and participate in the Cooling System efforts to cool the atmosphere and reduce political tension, all of which are to achieve the goal of Indonesia Gold 2045 is for people’s welfare, “concluded Inspector General Faakhiri.

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