Senin 16 September, 2024
Label Two Perpetrators of the Pendulang Massacre Immediately Tried

Tag: Two Perpetrators of the Pendulang Massacre Immediately Tried

Two Perpetrators of the Pendulang Massacre Immediately Tried

Jayapura- After the entire investigation process is declared complete, the two perpetrators of the miners' marriage case in Yahukimo on October 16...
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Papua Pilkada: Father John Bunay Delivers a Message of Peace and Simplicity for Prospective Leaders

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Pilkada Papua: Pastor John Bunay Sampaikan Pesan Damai dan Kesederhanaan bagi Para Calon Pemimpin

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Ali Kabiay, Papuan Youth Leader, Calls for Peaceful Elections

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Ali Kabiay, Tokoh Pemuda Papua, Himbau Pemilu Damai

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