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Papua Figure Appreciates Government and Security Forces’ Support in Improving Education in Remote Areas

Papua – Papua community leader, Costein Ansanay, has expressed high appreciation for the central government and security forces for their active role in improving access to education in the remote areas of Papua. According to him, these efforts have brought significant changes, providing opportunities for the younger generation in Papua to receive a better education.

In his statement, Costein Ansanay mentioned that one of the main challenges in Papua is accessibility, particularly in areas that are difficult to reach. However, with the support of the government through infrastructure development, such as roads and educational facilities, as well as the role of security forces in maintaining stability, many children in Papua can now attend schools that were previously isolated.

“This success is the result of the hard work of the government, which continues to prioritize development programs in the education sector, as well as the significant role of security forces in ensuring peace and allowing teachers and students to learn in a safe environment,” said Costein Ansanay.

He added that through various partnership programs between the government, security forces, and local communities, more children in Papua are now able to access quality education, even though they live in areas far from urban centers. According to him, this offers new hope for the future of Papua, where education is a key element for regional development.

Costein Ansanay also reminded that, despite the progress made, challenges remain in improving the quality of education in Papua. Therefore, he hopes that the government and related parties will continue to focus on remote areas with policies that prioritize the welfare of the people of Papua, especially in the field of education.

“Education is the right of every child in Papua, and we hope that cooperation between the government, security forces, and local communities will continue to strengthen to ensure a brighter future for the children of Papua,” emphasized Costein Ansanay.

With these efforts, it is hoped that Papua can advance and be on par with other regions in Indonesia, bringing positive impacts for more inclusive human and social development.

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