Cartenz Peace Ops Task Force: Issue of Evacuation in Oksop District is Not True

Papua – The Cartenz Peace Ops Task Force confirms that the information circulating on social media about the evacuation of people in Oksop District, Pegunungan Bintang Regency, is not true. The narrative is known to use old documentation and does not reflect the actual situation.
Head of Public Relations for Cartenz Peace Ops-2025, Senior Commissioner of Police. Yusuf Sutejo, stated that the current conditions in the Oksop District are conducive.
“Several residents who moved to safer places at the end of November 2024 have returned to Oksop District and are carrying out their activities as usual before Christmas. The information currently circulating is hoax news that was deliberately spread to provoke,” explained Senior Commissioner of Police. Yusuf Sutejo.
Related parties, such as the Head of Oksop District, Yohanes Sasaka, have also provided statements that strengthen the fact that the situation in Oksop District is safe. Yohanes conveyed several important points related to the developing issues, including:
- The documentation circulating is a photo of the incident on November 28, 2024 in Mimin Village, not the current incident.
- A number of residents of Oksop District, around dozens of people, have returned to their homes and are carrying out normal activities in four villages, while Mimin Village is still under the supervision of security forces.
- The news that mentions an elderly person and a mother who died due to evacuation is not true. Both died due to health factors.
“We urge the public not to be easily provoked by the false news circulating. The National Police and security forces continue to be committed to maintaining a conducive situation in Oksop District,” continued Kombes Pol. Yusuf Sutejo.
Meanwhile, the people of Oksop District also hope for more attention from the local and provincial governments regarding the distribution of aid.
“We appreciate the concern of the security forces, but we also need government support in meeting basic needs,” said Yohanes Sasaka.
The Cartenz Peace Ops Task Force emphasized that the spread of hoax news like this is suspected to have been carried out by certain individuals to create unrest and security disturbances.
The public is asked to always verify information through official channels to avoid the impact of fake news. The Cartenz Peace Ops Task Force will continue to provide correct information and maintain public security in Pegunungan Bintang Regency.