Berita Utama

The Positive Impact of the Trans-Papua Road: Opening Access and Improving the Welfare of Communities in Remote Areas

Jayapura – The construction of the Trans-Papua Road, which spans more than 3,000 kilometers across Papua, continues to bring significant positive impacts for communities in remote areas. By improving access, this project has facilitated the distribution of goods, boosted the economy, and made it easier for people to access essential public services.

A prominent community leader in Papua, Petrus Fatlolon, a tribal chief and social activist from the Central Papua region, shared his views on the positive impact of the Trans-Papua Road. “We have experienced tremendous changes since this road was built. Previously isolated areas can now access markets, schools, and healthcare facilities more easily. This road has opened economic opportunities and brought new hope to our community,” said Petrus Fatlolon on Wednesday (01/08/25). He is known for his active efforts in advocating for the welfare of indigenous communities and social rights in Papua.

Meanwhile, Pastor Marinus Douw, a notable religious leader in Papua, highlighted how the road has facilitated church services and social activities. “This road has made it much easier for us to deliver religious teachings and provide social services to communities in areas that were previously difficult to reach,” Pastor Marinus said.

With the presence of the Trans-Papua Road, people in regions such as Jayawijaya, Nduga, and Mimika are now enjoying direct benefits, including easier transportation and improved agricultural productivity. Agricultural products that were once difficult to distribute can now reach markets more quickly, while access to healthcare and education facilities has become more efficient.

The Papua Provincial Government remains committed to continuing and expanding the development of the Trans-Papua Road to ensure equitable development and improve infrastructure quality. This initiative aims to unlock more economic opportunities, reduce disparities, and enhance the welfare of Papua’s communities.

As access continues to improve, Papua is expected to grow economically, socially, and culturally, creating more job opportunities and building a brighter future for its people.

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