Police Confiscate the Morning Star Flag that was flown by OTK in Timika
Mimika- The Morning Star flag which is claimed to be the flag of the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) was flown by an Unknown Person (OTK) behind a church on Jalan Perintis, Timika, Mimika Regency, Central Papua.
The flag was discovered when security forces were on patrol since Sunday 1 December.
The patrol was carried out to anticipate the security and order situation, because December 1 for a group of people is OPM’s birthday.
Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for Mimika Police, AKP Fajar Zadiq, said that the cloth with the Morning Star flag motif was found flying at 13.35 WIT. There was no one in the surrounding area.
Police officers from the Sector Police and Brimob then took him down.
“The officers then took down the BK flag and confiscated it in the Gakkum Task Force room, Mimika Police Service Office,” said AKP Fajar in a Voicenote received by this media.