Senin 16 September, 2024
Beranda Hukum&Kriminal Chairman of BPI KPNPA RI Opens Voice about New Zealand Pilot Killed...

Chairman of BPI KPNPA RI Opens Voice about New Zealand Pilot Killed by KKB in Papua

Papua- General Chairman of BPI KPNPA RI, Tubagus Rahmad Sukendar, has opened his voice regarding the murder of New Zealand pilot, Glenn Malcolm Conning, by the Armed Criminal Group (KKB). Tubagus Rahmad avoided taking firm action from the authorities, which caused this separatist group to become increasingly rampant in Papua.

According to Tubagus Rahmad, the Government must immediately invite all components of Papuan society, including tribal chiefs and religious leaders, to form a Security Restoration Control Task Force in Papua.

This is important considering the large number of victims from society and state officials due to KKB atrocities. Moreover, by triggering foreign nationals, the reputation and authority of the Indonesian government is at stake.

“The government must immediately form a Security Restoration Task Force involving tribes in Papua to work together with the authorities to maintain security,” he said.

Tubagus Rahmad also emphasized that TNI and Polri officers must act firmly and measuredly.

“The KKB movement has seriously disturbed the security and comfort of the community. “Many innocent lives were lost, and public facilities were destroyed by this group,” he said.


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