Timika – The shooting incident that killed Pilot Glen Malcom Coning by the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) was very shocking. The body of Pilot Glen Malcolm Coning, after being post-mortem at Mimika Regional Hospital, will soon be returned to New Zealand. The process of repatriating his body is a priority to give proper last respects.
In his official statement, Head of Peace Ops Cartenz Brigadier General Pol. Dr. Faizal Ramadhani, S.Sos., S.I.K., M.H., stated, “We from the Cartenz-2024 Peace Ops Task Force are ready to support the process of repatriating the body of Pilot Gleen Malcom Coning to Jakarta and then to New Zealand. Hopefully this process will run smoothly and give proper respect for him and his family.”
Head of Public Relations Task Force for Peace Ops Cartenz 2024, Police Commissioner. Bayu Suseno, S.H., S.I.K., M.M., M.H. When confirmed, the body of the KKB shooting victim was accompanied by the company PT. Intan Angkasa from Mozes Kilangin Timika Airport to Sentani Jayapura Airport. Next, the body was sent to Jakarta to coordinate with the embassy.
“This morning at 11.10 WIT, the body of Pilot Glen Malcom Conning, a victim of the KKB shooting in the Alama District, departed from Mozes Kilangin Timika Airport for Sentani Airport, Jayapura. Next, we headed to Jakarta accompanied by the company PT. Intan Angkasa,” said Kombes Bayu.
Police Commissioner. Dr. Bayu Suseno, S.H., S.I.K., M.M., M.H., also expressed his condolences for the victims resulting from the shooting incident that killed Pilot Glen Malcom Coning by the Armed Criminal Group (KKB).
“We from the Cartenz-2024 Peace Ops Task Force are deeply saddened by the passing of Pilot Glen Malcom Coning. We will ensure that the process of returning his body to Jakarta runs smoothly and safely. We hope that the family and relatives left behind will be given strength to face this ordeal.” he added
The Cartenz 2024 Peace Ops Task Force also emphasized its commitment to bringing to justice the perpetrators of this heinous murder. “We from the Cartenz Peace Ops Task Force emphasize our commitment to provide justice for the victims and families of Pilot Glen Malcom Coning. The heinous actions carried out by the KKB must be followed up firmly in accordance with applicable law,” concluded Police Commissioner. Dr. Bayu Suseno.
On another occasion, PT Intan Angkasa Operations Manager Andriana Mahmud said that the victims would be sent to Sentani and then sent back to Jakarta. She also expressed her thanks to the Cartenz Peace Operations Task Force and the TNI-POLRI officers who had helped to evacuate the victims from the Alama District. and then departed for Jakarta.
“Today the victim will be taken to Sentani and then sent back to Jakarta accompanied by the company. I would also like to express my thanks to the Cartenz Peace Ops Task Force and TNI-POLRI officers who have assisted in the process of evacuating the victim,” said Andriana Mahmud.