Mimika – The police are still investigating an unknown person (OTK) who entered the traditional gold panning location in Wakia Village, Central West Mimika District, Mimika, Central Papua, Sunday (30/3/2024).
Reporting from the page karetpapua.com, Mimika Police Chief, AKBP I Gede Putra, when confirmed by this media, said that the information obtained was still different, so his party still needed to study it further.
“We are still ensuring the truth, the information we receive is still varying and the latest information for the public is that no one has been detained,” explained the Police Chief.
As previously reported, a group of unknown people (OTK) suspected of being an armed criminal group (KKB) entered a traditional gold panning location in Wakia Village, Central West Mimika District, Mimika Regency, Central Papua Province.
West Mimika Police Chief, Ipda Jamiluddin, confirmed that it was true that his party had received information stating that there was a group of OTK asking traditional panners to leave the panning location. In fact, the group had detained three people but had been released.
“No one has been held hostage until now. “Indeed, there were people who were detained by the OTK group, but they have been released,” said Ipda Jamiluddin when confirmed Saturday (30/3/2024) evening.
All the miners, he said, were already in Kapiraya and Wumuka villages in a safe condition.
According to Ipda Jamiluddin, his party cannot yet confirm whether this group of people is part of the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) or whether it is suspected that only the people of Wokodani Village are included in the administration of Deyai Regency.
It is said that a group of people met village officials to meet the village head.
“Between Kapiraya and Wakia there is a village in the middle at Kilometer 9. Its name is Mokodani Village, there are mountain people and it is part of the Deyai administrative area,” he said.
Currently, said Ipda Jamaluddin, his party will confirm again about the group of people who were said to be carrying bows and arrows and firearms. Because the information obtained is still confusing.
“We will still confirm again. Because some say they are just under the arrow. “Some said someone was carrying a weapon,” concluded Ipda Jamaluddin.
Meanwhile, information gathered by this media shows that there are amateur videos of residents suspected of being panners in Wakia. In the video, the residents or panners said that they left the Wakia panning location because they were given a strong warning by the KKB or the Free Papua Organization (OPM).
“The Wakia miners returned home, given a strong warning from the OPM or KKB, in Central West Mimika, especially Wakia Village,” said the resident in an amateur video obtained by this media.
“We received threats last night, we have to go home, if we love our lives. Finally, early in the morning everyone was given two days. “This is already half, half is still above,” he continued.
In the video, the resident who took the amateur video documentation shows a picture of a group of people who he thinks are holding their colleague.
“Hopefully undesirable things don’t happen,” he said.