
Regarding the Conflict in Papua, Law Enforcement is the Main Foundation for Building a Golden Papua

Papua- Regarding Papua, it cannot be denied that the government, figures and even the security forces (TNI-Polri) have a very difficult task in order to build a developed Papua.

If we draw a timeline, the problem or obstacle faced is the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) which continues to nest in various places in Papua which hinders everything.

This is a serious challenge, so that development in Papua is still very, very difficult and is even an issue that is being considered together.

For this reason, the role of the TNI-Polri is at the forefront to provide protection and security against the actions of these Armed Criminal Groups. Apart from that, the involvement of Religious Leaders, Community Leaders, and Youth Leaders in Papua is an encouragement to unite their voices to reject the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) from carrying out its actions.

The presence of the TNI-Polri does not have a negative impact on the place where they are stationed, but rather they are placed by the Government to maintain security in Papua.

The construction of hospitals, schools, offices, internet networks, trans roads (connectors) and so on has not yet been fully achieved.
People who are still in the interior of Papua have not experienced it all because the Armed Criminal Group continues to try to rally and destroy all dreams of a Golden Papua.

If so, there are some questions to ask together.

  1. How long will we wait for education in Papua to advance? If we are to build advanced human resources in Papua, this continues to be hampered by Armed Criminal Groups.
  2. How can the Papuan people obtain adequate health facilities? If the construction of community health centers and hospitals continues to be paralyzed by the KKB?
  3. How do you get goods, clothes, and means of transportation to Papua if planes are continuously targeted?
  4. What about the fate of the workers who sincerely helped build roads and build bridges between districts who were taken hostage and killed by the Armed Criminal Group?
  5. How does the Church respond to this? Should security forces withdraw? and see the KKB’s atrocious actions against the Papuan people? Killed, women raped, residents’ houses looted.

We all need to think together and think forward, especially the people in Papua who have directly experienced the treatment of the KKB.

This Armed Criminal Group must be eliminated, for this reason the TNI-Polri are the spearheads for enforcing the law so that members of this group can withdraw and surrender. Therefore, the Church’s approach has continued. However, the group refused and even murdered one of the priests in Nduga Regency.

Apart from that, the role of Figures in assisting Security Officials is an encouragement for the Community to create a peaceful Papua and realize the future Golden Papua.

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