Nabire- The Chief of the Mee Tribe, Melkias Keiya, emphasized the importance of maintaining security, order and a peaceful situation in the Mepago traditional area, especially ahead of and during the plenary meeting to recapitulate the election results on 4-8 March 2024.
Melkias Keiya was appointed as Chief of the Mee Tribe in the Mepago Traditional Area based on the Decree of the Governor of Central Papua Province. This shows his obligation to help the government, especially Mrs. Acting. Governor of Central Papua Province in supporting the development of Central Papua Province.
As tribal chief, Melkias Keiya feels obliged to provide a public security and order appeal to the Mee tribe in Nabire, Dogiyai, Deiyai and Paniai. This appeal is aimed at creating a safe and peaceful situation during the plenary meeting to recapitulate the 2024 election results, on March 4-8.
Melkias Keiya conveyed a public security and order appeal to the people of Mepago. The aim is for this message to reach all levels of society, understanding the importance of maintaining security and order together to create a peaceful and harmonious social life.
Melkias Keiya stated his readiness to support all policies of the Central Papua provincial government. This support includes development in the area, with the hope of providing progress and prosperity for all levels of society in Mepago land.
This statement reflects the role of tribal chiefs in supporting the stability, security and development of their region, while ensuring participation in a safe and orderly democratic process.