Academics: Education is the basis for forming the character of future leaders

Papua- Academician from the Kamoro tribe in Mimika Regency, Central Papua Province, Leonardus Tumuka, said that education is the main foundation in forming the character of the nation’s future leaders.
The former Chairman of the Kamoro Education Foundation said that education is the key for the younger generation to gain education and experience in preparing themselves for a better future.
“In principle, children can get character education from an early age, starting from formal and non-formal education,” said Tumuka.
According to Tumuka, character education is very necessary in developing a student’s basic abilities to think intelligently, behave and have good morals.
“When a child is formed from an early age with good character education, it will be very beneficial for himself, his family and also the general public,” said Tumuka.
He explained that education would also really help a child from an early age, to develop his qualities as a future leader.
“Through education, children can learn how to become leaders who are good, fair, responsible and sensitive to the environment around them,” he said.
He added that he continues to push through the Yau Ma’o Transit House so that indigenous Kamoro tribe children in this area can be educated about the importance of education for the future.
“Education and stimulus for children from an early age is very important, for this reason, through the Yau Ma’o Transit House, we hope that children will continue to be motivated to learn and love the world of education,” he said.