
Papua Police Chief: Plane shooting in Beoga is related to legislative elections

Jayapura – Papua Police Chief, Inspector General Mathius D Fakhiri said that the plane shooting case that occurred in Lapter Milawak, Beoga District, Puncak Regency, Central Papua, on Friday (16/2/204) morning was related to the process of selecting legislative candidates (candidates) which was being held in Beoga District.

“The shooting was related to the contested votes there, but we will ensure that this incident does not disrupt the election process there,” said Inspector General Fakhiri, Friday (16/2/2024).

The Asia One Air PK-LTF plane was shot by an unknown person (OTK) at Milawak Airport, Beoga District, Puncak Regency, Central Papua, Friday (16/2/2024).

According to the Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Commissioner Ignatius Benny Ady Prabowo, the shooting occurred at around 09.52 WIT.

“The shooting occurred when the plane was about to land at Milawak Beoga Airport and was shot at from the right of the plane,” said Commissioner Benny, Friday (16/2/2024).

According to Commissioner Benny, the shots came from the OTK group in Ambobra village. “They went down from Ambobra village to Julukoma village, Beoga District and shot the Asian one PK-LTF plane,” he said.

“The TNI-Polri security forces then responded to the shots as legal action against the OTK who shot at the plane,” continued the Head of Public Relations.

There were no victims in the incident. The right rear fuselage of the plane was hit by one shot, and it shot towards the rear door of the plane.

Commissioner Benny appealed to the public to remain calm and not be provoked by issues that could cause panic so that a safe and peaceful situation can be maintained during the investigation process.

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