
Makassar Residents, 2 People Have Not Been Found KKB Victims in Yahukimo

Jayapura- The police received two reports from residents from Makassar, South Sulawesi (Sulsel) who were victims of attacks by an armed criminal group (KKB) in Yahukimo Regency, Papua Mountains. The two victims have not yet been found.

“The deceased victims who have not been found are Rakib Natsir from Makassar and Ramadani from Makassar,” said Yahukimo Police Chief AKBP Heru Hidayanto to detikcom, Friday (10/11/2023).

Heru said that TNI-Polri officers had conducted a search around the location but did not find the two of them. The search was also carried out based on information from survivors.

“We have tried our best by conducting a search with Brimob and Kodim personnel at the location according to the testimony of surviving witnesses, but we did not find the body,” he explained.

Meanwhile, Head of the Cartenz Peace Public Relations Task Force, AKBP Bayu Suseno, the number of missing victims increased based on reports from the victims’ families. The report was reported to the Yahukimo Police.

“There were 2 people who reported to the Police who had not been found,” said Bayu Suseno, Friday (10/11).

Bayu suspects that the bodies of the two victims were carried away by the river current. Because of this, the bodies of both of them have not yet been found.

“I’m worried that his body will be carried away by the river current,” said Bayu.

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