Personnel from the Jayawijaya Region Cartenz Peace Action Task Force Participated in Blood Donation Activities Organized by UPBU Wamena.

WAMENA- Welcoming the 52nd National Transportation Day (Harhubnas) in 2023, the Wamena Airport Organizing Unit (UPBU) held a blood donation. Harhubnas is celebrated every September 17 and this year carries the theme “Advancing for Advanced Transportation”.
In the midst of busy activities, personnel from the Cartenz Peace Ops Action Task Force for the Jayawijaya region, led by IPDA Markom Ansyu, took the time to take part in a social blood donation activity organized by the Wamena Airport Organizing Unit (UPBU).
The Dantim of the Cartenz Peace Action Task Force said that his participation along with 18 other personnel was a form of the Cartenz Peace Task Force being present in the midst of society to always be able to overcome the difficulties experienced by the community.
“This is a positive activity, where we participate in meeting PMI’s blood stock needs which will later be used by people who need blood, as well as a form of synergy and collaboration between the Security Forces, especially those of us from Damai Cartenz and UPBU Wamena. This positive activity will also of course maintain the availability of blood stock at PMI. So we all have to support it,” he said.
On the same occasion, the head of UPBU Wamena, Faisal Marasabessy, said that the social service was a series of activities that carried out the demolition and enlivened Harhubnas in 2023. This was UPBU Wamena’s commitment to do something useful for the community at the Harhubnas moment this year.
“This is a social activity that we carry out to welcome and enliven Harhubnas in 2023. We from UPBU Class 1 Wamena intend to provide something useful for the people of Papua Mountains, especially in Wamena, at this Harhubnas moment,” said the Head of UPBU Class 1 Wamena, Faisal Marasabessy, Thursday (14/9/2023).
Faisal said, in carrying out a series of activities commemorating Harhubnas, this also involved involving airport operators in the UPBU Wamena area. Meanwhile, for social blood donation activities, it involves UPBU Wamena work partners and the general airport community.
“We are collaborating with Tiom, Karubaga, Bokondini and Elelim Airport, which is in the Wamena UPBU area. For this blood donation, we are collaborating with PMI, then health workers from Wamena Regional Hospital and the Port Health and KKP. “Meanwhile, those participating apart from us at Wamena Airport were also from the TNI/Polri, TNI AU, Paskas and also the general public,” he concluded.