Minggu 6 Oktober, 2024
Beranda Pelayanan The National Police Use Charter Planes to Distribute Social Assistance to Residents...

The National Police Use Charter Planes to Distribute Social Assistance to Residents of Disaster Affected Victims in Puncak Regency

Ilaga – The Indonesian National Police (Polri) continues to intensify emergency response efforts to the disaster that has hit Puncak District, Central Papua Province.

Head of Public Relations of the Papua Regional Police (Polda) Kombes Pol Ignatius Benny Ady Prabowo, SH, SIK, M.Kom said that the National Police took concrete steps to help the victims of the disaster in the area.

“The National Police will add 20 tons of rice assistance to be distributed to people affected by the disaster in Puncak. The aid will be sent from the Logistics Unit of the National Police to help ease the burden on the victims,” ​​said Benny, Friday (11/8).

According to Benny, one of the significant steps that will be taken by the National Police is to use charter planes to distribute social assistance (bansos) to the community. By using charter planes, said Bennt, it is hoped that the distribution of aid can be faster and more efficient, especially given the geographical conditions of Puncak, which is difficult to access by land.

“We understand that time is very valuable in an emergency situation like this. Therefore, we decided to use a charter plane to ensure that the aid can reach the hands of those who need it on time,” said Benny further.

Apart from that, said Benny, the National Police will also send additional personnel to the Puncak area to help with security and provide services to the disaster victims. These personnel are expected to be able to be involved in various efforts, including health services and door-to-door distribution of aid.

“We will work closely with the Regional Government, District Heads and Village Heads to ensure that the assistance we distribute is truly on target and can provide maximum benefits for people in need,” said Benny.

With this concrete step, Polri is committed to participating in the post-disaster recovery and rehabilitation process for the Puncak area. All of these efforts, he said, were directed at helping people who are currently facing ordeals and a form of concern and solidarity among the nation’s children.

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