Hundreds of TNI-Polri Officers Deployed to Secure the Kunker of the Coordinating Minister for PMK in Dogiyai

Timika – A total of 172 TNI-Polri Apparatus Personnel were deployed to secure the Work Visit of the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy in Kab. Dogiyai, Central Papua.
Call led by Dandim 1705 / Nabire Lt. Col. Doni Firmansyah with Police Chief Dogiyai Kompol Sarraju, S.H. as well as joint personnel consisting of Kodim personnel, Dogiyai Police, Mobile Brigade Battalion C Pelopor / Nabire and personnel from the Caretnz Peace Task Force.
Dandim 1705 / Nabire Lt. Col. Doni Firmansyah said that this joint rally was held in order to secure the working visit of the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy in Kab. Dogiyai.
“Our task for TNI-Polri personnel during this visit is to secure the kunker of the Coordinating Minister for PMK because there were several activities while in Dogiyai,” said Doni.
In the same place, the Head of the Dogiyai Police, Kompol Sarraju added, “We are all jointly carrying out security by synergizing in the field. So that the point that becomes the traffic of the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture during his visit to Dogiyai until his return later will be arranged by the Head of Ops for the Dogiyai Police,” added Sarraju.
His party also hopes that during the working visit of the Coordinating Minister for PMK and his entourage in Kab. Dogiyai really cared for the safety of all while in Dogiyai and safe until they returned to Nabire.