Discovering Firearms and Hundreds of Items of Ammunition, Wakapolda Papua Gives Community Appreciation
Jayapura – Deputy Chief of Police of Papua, Brigadier General of Police Ramdani Hidayat, gave appreciation to the people who helped the police officers in uncovering and finding firearms in Jayapura-Papua, Monday, July 24, 2020.
In his statement, Deputy Chief of Police of Papua, Brigadier General of Police Ramdani Hidayat said that the discovery of these weapons originated from intelligence data which was then processed by the Papua Police and Brimob members. After that, an investigation was carried out in the Jayapura City Police area.
“The location of the discovery of weapons is still under investigation and development, so it cannot be disclosed in detail,” he said.
He continued, Carl Walthrpabriklum / DO cal 9 MM type firearms made in Germany, along with one magazine and 171 rounds of ammunition, were found in the forest at around 24.00 WIT the previous night. The weapon was planted in a black plastic bag.
“The serial number of this weapon has been removed, but the police will check with Lapvor to find out more about the flow of acquisition of these firearms and their purpose,” said the Deputy Chief of Police of Papua.
Wakapolda Papua also expressed his appreciation to the community for helping the police in the disclosure of this case.
He also emphasized the importance of the community’s role in maintaining the situation in the Jayapura City Police jurisdiction to remain conducive.