Jumat 19 April, 2024
Beranda Hukum&Kriminal Police Investigate Fire Case of Dogiyai District DRPD Office

Police Investigate Fire Case of Dogiyai District DRPD Office

Jayapura – Dogiyai Resort Police are currently investigating the case of a fire that scorched part of the Dogiyai Regency DPRD office on the trans Nabire – Enarotali road, Saturday (18/3) morning.

This was also confirmed by the Head of Public Relations of the Papua Regional Police Kombes Pol. Ignatius Benny Ady Prabowo, S.H., S.I.K., M.Kom when questioned.

The Head of Public Relations said that the fire that occurred at 01.30 WIT was known to witness N (37) when he woke up and saw the Dogiyai Regency DPRD office was already on fire.

“The witness then woke up his friends to secure things and tried to extinguish the fire with makeshift tools, but because the wind was strong enough the fire grew bigger and spread to other parts of the building,” explained the Head of Public Relations.

Upon receiving reports of the fire, Dogiyai Police personnel led by Deputy Chief of Police AKP M. Ayomi immediately moved to the location.

“There were no casualties in the incident. Currently, personnel are still carrying out investigations by collecting evidence and asking for statements from witnesses to ascertain the cause of the fire that occurred. Meanwhile, for material losses, data collection is still being carried out, “concluded Kombes Benny.


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