Cartenz Peace Ops Public Relations Task Force 2023 Holds Gathering with Press Personnel in Jayapura City

Jayapura – The 2023 Cartenz Peace Operations Public Relations Task Force held a gathering with members of the press in Jayapura City on Monday/30/1/2023.
The meeting was attended directly by the head of the Cartenz 2023 peace operation, Kombespol. Dr. Faizal Ramadhani. S. Sos. S.I.K. M.H., and Head of the Cartenz 2023 Peaceful Ops Public Relations Task Force, Kombespol. Donny Charles Go. S.I.K., as well as the Head of Papua Regional Police Public Relations, Kombes Pol. Ignatius Benny Ady Prabowo S.H., S.I.K., M.Kom.
Head of the Cartenz Peace Ops Public Relations Unit Kombespol. Donny Charles Go. S.I.K., in opening the gathering, said that Ops Damai Carstensz 2023 was a follow-up operation from previous operations which had changed their names. However, in principle, the main goal is to maintain the stability of kamtibmas in Papua.
“Expects and requires assistance from media partners to massively publicize all activities of the task force that are humane, procedural, in accordance with legal provisions to maintain security and order in Papua until the last effort is to enforce the law which upholds human rights.”
Meanwhile, head of Cartenz peace ops 2023, Kombespol. Dr. Faizal Ramadhani. S. Sos. S.I.K. M.H., said, “We really hope for good communication between members of the press to jointly create a conducive Papua.”
In addition, the Head of Public Relations of the Papua Regional Police, Kombes Pol. Ignatius Benny Ady Prabowo S.H., S.I.K., M.Kom. also added, As the head of public relations and also the head of the Public Relations task force ops rasaka cartenz, really hope for good cooperation between media colleagues and the national police. This collaboration is of course to build Papua so that it will be more prosperous and create security and peace in Papua.