Kamis 18 April, 2024
Beranda Hukum&Kriminal For Citizens' Safety from Covid-19 Virus, AMP's Dissolution Demonstration Policy

For Citizens’ Safety from Covid-19 Virus, AMP’s Dissolution Demonstration Policy

suaranewspapua.com- DENPASAR- A group of Papuan Youth in the name of the Papuan Student Alliance held a demonstration in the city of Bali, but in the end the demonstration was disbanded by the police because they did not get a permit and were very vulnerable to the spread of the Covid-19 virus or corona.

We have negotiated with those who carry out the demonstration to disperse because the place where the demonstration took place, is still in the area of the red zone level of vigilance Pandemic outbreak of Corona Virus or Covid-19 virus, “said Head of Denpasar Police OPS, Kompol I Gede Putu Putra Putra Astawa.

Meanwhile the task force handling Covid-19 Sumetra Kelod Village team who also went down also repeatedly appealed for the demonstrators to disperse because of the potential spread of the Covid-19 virus or corona.

The period was forced to dissolve forcefully because for the sake of the safety of the citizens of the Covid-19 virus pandemic in the region.


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